




DeviceActivityReport - filtering applications for makeConfiguration
I am trying to filter my DeviceActivityReport to only show activity for the specific app tokens I pass in. Right now, it shows activity for all apps. Is there something else I need to do in makeConfiguration so that it only filters the application tokens that I'm filtering by? filter = DeviceActivityFilter(segment: .hourly(during: dateInterval), applications: task.selection.applicationTokens) struct TotalActivityReport: DeviceActivityReportScene { // Define which context your scene will represent. let context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .totalActivity // Define the custom configuration and the resulting view for this report. let content: (String) -> TotalActivityView func makeConfiguration(representing data: DeviceActivityResults<DeviceActivityData>) async -> String { // Reformat the data into a configuration that can be used to create // the report's view. let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter() formatter.allowedUnits = [.minute, .second] formatter.unitsStyle = .abbreviated formatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = .dropAll let totalActivityDuration = await data.flatMap { $0.activitySegments }.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.totalActivityDuration }) return formatter.string(from: totalActivityDuration) ?? "No activity data" } }
Aug ’23
How to create UIImage in an extension - ShieldConfigurationExtension
I'm trying to modify a ShieldConfigurationExtension, but am having trouble adding an icon. I have tried directly adding a png to the ShieldConfiguration extension folder and creating a UIImage from it, but it doesn't seem to work. Am I working with images within an extension properly? This code displays the default configuration override func configuration(shielding application: Application, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration { // Customize the shield as needed for applications shielded because of their category. let image = UIImage(named: "icon") return ShieldConfiguration( icon: image) } This code properly displays a customized configuration return ShieldConfiguration( title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "test", color: .white))
Aug ’23
DeviceActivityMonitorExtension functions not being called
I'm having trouble with my DeviceActivityMonitorExtension. The intervalDidStart function is not being called when the scheduler is created. Does anyone have an idea why this is? let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule( intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 15, minute: 23), intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 16, minute: 55), repeats: true ) class MySchedule { static public func setSchedule() { let center = DeviceActivityCenter() center.stopMonitoring([.daily]) do { try center.startMonitoring(.daily, during: schedule) } catch { print("Error monitoring schedule: ", error) } } } class DeviceActivityMonitorExtension: DeviceActivityMonitor { override func intervalDidStart(for activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.intervalDidStart(for: activity) SelectedApps.shared.setRestrictions() } private let _SelectedApps = SelectedApps() class SelectedApps: ObservableObject{ @Published var selection: FamilyActivitySelection let store = ManagedSettingsStore() init() { if let savedSelection = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "savedSelection") as? Data { let decoder = JSONDecoder() if let loadedSelection = try? decoder.decode(FamilyActivitySelection.self, from: savedSelection) { selection = loadedSelection } else { selection = FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true) } } else { selection = FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true) } } class var shared: SelectedApps { return _SelectedApps } func setRestrictions(){ let applications = selection store.shield.applications = applications.applicationTokens.isEmpty ? nil : applications.applicationTokens store.shield.applicationCategories = applications.categoryTokens.isEmpty ? nil : ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(applications.categoryTokens) }
Jul ’23