This is still happening on a Mac M1. macOS Ventura. XCode 14.3.1 iOS Simulators (all versions).
And I also believe this is what caused the speakers on my previous MacBook to fry, since it happened there too and was the reason I got the new M1 Macbook.
This is still occurring in iOS 16.2 despite the 'Resolved / Fixed;' status on the bug tracker :
ie: having scroll-behavior: smooth in CSS disables the ability to programatically scroll the window.
Removing that CSS makes it work again.
Aha! My apologies.
I found the setting to enable the Push API in the Experimental features menu.
The difference is that you don't need any Developer account or APNS Certificates to use the Web Push API, which has always been the case for desktop Notifications as well as iOS Push Notifications.
When they say it's "really" push, they mean they're switching to the open standard 'Web Push API' which Chrome and Firefox etc. have been using for a while.
You can then set up a nodeJS server (or equivalent) to send out alert notifications to (almost) any browser. (Once macOS Ventura comes out with Safari 16).
Same issue here.
The <video> poster attribute is not showing since iOS 15.
Other 'hacks' mentioned here with CSS are no good for HLS video sources to 'display the first frame' before requesting playback.
Same issue here. In 2020.
There's no UI provided to update or delete the screenshots from old phone sizes, which can only be seen when clicking on "View All Sizes in Media Manager".
OK I have a solution.Simply create an HTML5 Audio object and attempt to set the .volume property.Mobile Safari can't do this.You're welcome.
This is still an issue. Yes, the Desktop settings workaround does help get a sensible userAgent, but nobody on a large iPad is ever going to set that. The main issue I have is that I'm developing an HTML5 Audio player where we want to hide our volume control interface when the device is an iPhone or iPad, since there is no way to control HTML5 Audio volume property via Javascript on these devices. Does anyone have a sane solution to this?