The problem is that my Mac mini does not have a build-in microphone and I don't have an alternative audio input device. Is there a way to disable audio input entirely for iOS simulator? My app running on the simulator doesn't need to utilize the microphone capability.
Could there be an exception if the original safe area inset is zero?
The issue I encountered: during a "pop" transition of UINavigationController, my app adds a child view controller to the top view controller in response to an async network download, however that newly added child's view has its content layout in mess, because its safe area inset is zero. The layout will restore to normal condition only after user cancel the pop transition and start dragging on child view's table view.
My Mac Catalyst app on macOS 12.4 crashed with the same error when using the UIKit API UIImageJPEGRepresentation. It's pretty rare, like one crash in 300 calls.
You can use UIView.becomeFirstResponder() to trigger a fast VoiceOver focus update. But to achieve that you will need to refactor a lot of your code, which may not actually worth it. Also keep in mind that the VoiceOver behavior for first responder updates is different (or say, strange) on Mac Catalyst.