What about using the currencyFormatter.string(from: NSNumber) method to make a String and then just using that?
Yes, there is: don't use two RoundedRectangles. 🙂
Instead, use one and mutate the values that you want to differ. Here's how I implemented it in your code:
struct ContentView: View {
@State var toggled = false
@Namespace var namespace
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 16) {
Toggle("Toggle", isOn: $toggled.animation(.linear(duration: 30)))
if toggled {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: toggled ? 24 : 12, style: .continuous)
.fill(toggled ? .red : .blue)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "box", in: namespace)
.frame(width: toggled ? 200 : 100, height: toggled ? 100 : 200)
if !toggled {
How it works:
toggled ? value1 : value2 returns value1 if toggled is true or value2 if toggled is false. This works for anything as long as both values are of the same type.
@State tells SwiftUI to update the view any time that toggled changes.
So any time you flip the switch, it toggles toggled which forces a recalculation of the view with new values for cornerRadius, .fill, width, and height, and after the recalculation, animates the changes according to your .animation parameters.
I think this gives precisely the kind of animation that you were looking for.
So any time you want to do something like this, instead of having two views that you switch between, use one view and mutate its values.
Yes, that is what I was referring to. Incorrect information elsewhere on the web gave the impression that this changes double taps globally. Thank you for the clarification.
ShazamKit won’t recognize whether a user is singing a melody. Shazam only recognizes specific recordings.
I’m sorry that I don’t know the solution to your problem, but ShazamKit is not it.
Is it because you typed "\(chartData.high)" instead of just chartData.high? You’re passing a String instead of a numeric value on the y-axis.
Polyphonic's answer is correct: Images3 needs to be initialized in init(). Swift will never allow you to set a struct member's value to another struct member's value in the struct declaration itself. This is best illustrated by example:
struct ThisNeverWorks {
var a = 1
var b = a // Error. Cannot do this.
struct DoThisInstead {
var a = 1
var b: Int
init() {
b = a
The exception is if right-hand value is a static member:
struct ThisWorks {
static let a = 1
var b = a // This is fine because a is static.
Another consideration, however: will the values of Empty_image, Abductor_machine_image, etc. ever change? If not, then consider making them static let constants (or perhaps even an enumeration). Otherwise, this could happen:
struct MyWorkout {
var Empty_image = ""
var Abductor_machine_image = "Abductor machine"
let Images3: [String]
init() {
Images3 = [Empty_image, Abductor_machine_image]
// ...
var x = MyWorkout()
x.Empty_image = "Something" // No longer empty.
I would love to help you learn if you're willing to share in more detail what you're trying to do.
It's not exactly what you were looking for, but maybe you can make this work?
public enum IconColor {
public enum Standard: String {
case regular = "icon_regular"
case error = "icon_error"
case warning = "icon_warning"
case success = "icon_success"
case standard(Standard)
case custom(String)
public var rawValue: String {
switch self {
case .standard(let standardCase):
return standardCase.rawValue
case .custom(let value):
return value
Then it could be used like this:
let x = IconColor.Standard.success
let y = IconColor.custom("icon_deviceonfire")
print(x.rawValue) // Prints "icon_success"
print(y.rawValue) // Prints "icon_deviceonfire"
Here's another one I came up with, using struct instead of enum:
public struct IconColor: RawRepresentable {
public enum StandardColors: String {
case regular = "icon_regular"
case error = "icon_error"
case warning = "icon_warning"
case success = "icon_success"
public var rawValue: String
public init(rawValue: String) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public init(_ standardValue: StandardColors) {
self.rawValue = standardValue.rawValue
public init(_ customValue: String) {
self.rawValue = customValue
// ...
let successColor = IconColor(.success)
let customColor = IconColor("icon_custom")
var rawCustomColor = IconColor(rawValue: "icon_rawcustom")
The site is trying to load an image that is failing due to a bad (really long) URL.
The PKPaymentRequest class has a merchantCapabilities property that you can use to indicate that you only accept debit cards.
You're saving the image to the user's document directory, which is not the same as the photo library.
The API for the photo library is documented here: (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/photokit/phphotolibrary).
First of all, I don't think that AsyncImage can display SVG images at all.
For example, try:
AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "https://svgshare.com/i/ouu.svg")) { phase in
if let image = phase.image {
} else if phase.error != nil {
} else {
This code displays "Error." with every SVG that I've tried, both from svgshare.com and other websites.
The easy solution is to use on-demand resources. This would, however, require that every symbol that your app could potentially use be included with the app store submission, which may not be what you are looking for.
A more difficult solution would be to host custom bundles remotely, then, as needed, download those, and use something like Image("customSymbol", bundle: downloadedBundle). Bundle objects can be initialized with a URL, but I don't know if this means that the URL can be on the internet. All the documentation says is, "This must be a full URL for a directory; if it contains any symbolic links, they must be resolvable." It is not clear if the directory can be on a web server. I have no experience with custom bundles, so unfortunately I cannot assist further.
If you find a solution, I would love to learn about it.
Documentation Links:
On-Demand Resources
Bundle Programming Guide
I added a debug print statement to your code as follows:
Canvas { gc, size in
gc.translateBy(x: 20.0, y: 20.0)
Path(roundedRect: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 200.0, height: 200.0), cornerSize: CGSize(width: 2.0, height: 2.0)),
with: .color(.black),
lineWidth: 20.0
print("Width: \(size.width) Height: \(size.height)")
...and changed ContentView to this:
VStack {
…and got the following output in the console:
Width: 361.0 Height: 709.0
Width: 10.0 Height: 10.0
So I think it's obvious what's happening here: SwiftUI thinks that the "ideal size" of your custom view is 10x10, which is so small that basically everything gets clipped out.
Some ways that you could solve this problem:
Specify minimum, maximum, and ideal dimensions of your custom view using frame(minWidth:idealWidth:maxWidth:minHeight:idealHeight:maxHeight:alignment:) to modify your Canvas object.
Draw your Path using arguments calculated relative to size instead of using arbitrary values. This would allow the user of your view to specify their own frame size and have your drawing scale automatically.
If you need a rounded rectangle, consider using SwiftUI's RoundedRectangle which handles all of these concerns for you.