I am having the same issue with Xcode 16. Tests would run in any device with iOS 17 but not in any device with iOS 18.
I ran: xcrun simctl delete all
and manually installed two simulators, one with iOS 17.0 and one with iOS 18.0. At first neither would work and was stuck on testing... but after restarting my computer the iOS 17 simulator works and the iOS 18 simulator still just says testing...
I am having the same or similar issue. We released our app yesterday and some members of the team saw the released version in the App Store, but now the App Store is showing the previously released version with no option to update the the latest release.
I myself this morning only saw the previous version in App Store. Then I saw the latest version (that was released yesterday). Now I'm back to seeing the previous version.
Very confusing and frustrating. I've not experienced this before.
As indicated, the accepted answer will result in a crash unless the configuration has already been set.
let button = UIButton()
var configuration = UIButton.Configuration.plain() // there are several options to choose from instead of .plain()
configuration.contentInsets = NSDirectionalEdgeInsets(top: 24, leading: 24, bottom: 24, trailing: 24)
button.configuration = configuration
You may have to set additional properties on configuration to maintain the current look of your button. To change it dynamically I believe you just give your button a new configuration.