Hello All:
I dusted off some old code to bring up to date with the latest and greatest Xcode (16B3) and ran into this weird compile error. Doesn't appear to be actually in my code. The code is in Objective-C (I did say it was old).
In file included from /Volumes/Hard Disk 2/Codewarrior Projects/iCollect For Mac and iPad/iCollect2/Classes/NSImage+Additions.mm:9:
In file included from /Volumes/Hard Disk 2/Codewarrior Projects/iCollect For Mac and iPad/iCollect2/Classes/NSImage+Additions.h:10:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX15.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Headers/Quartz.h:9:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX15.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Headers/PDFKit.h:6:
In file included from /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX15.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/PDFKit.framework/Headers/PDFKit.h:21:
/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX15.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/PDFKit.framework/Headers/PDFDocument.h:26:53: error: expected identifier or '{'
26 | typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, PDFSelectionGranularity);
| ^
1 error generated.
Any ideas? I understand that Xcode is in beta now and if this is outside of the forum's scope, no problem. If a radar needs to be opened, I'll do that too if required.
Thanks in advance for your time.
All Best
Hi All:
I've got a bash script to notarize and build my Developer ID based application.
My 'build' command is:
`xcodebuild -workspace "${WORKSPACE_DIR}MyGreatApp.xcworkspace" \
archive \
-scheme "MyGreatApp" \
-archivePath "${ARCHIVE_PATH}/MyGreatApp.xcarchive"
This produces the required .xcarchive package. It goes to the notification server with:
xcodebuild -exportArchive \
-archivePath "${ARCHIVE_PATH}/MyGreatApp.xcarchive" \
-exportOptionsPlist "${EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH}" \
-exportPath "${EXPORT_PATH_TO_APP}"
Where export options are:
Now I need the app to use for our installer. Do I go into the .xcarchive to use that app? Do I re-export the archive with a different exportOptions so I get a 'new' app that I can package up? Or is there another step I that I am missing?
Thanks in advance for your time
Best Regards
I'm having an issue with the .hideDock and multi monitor Macs. Basically, the dock is still accessible by dragging the mouse to the bottom of the secondary monitor.
I do
NSApp.presentationOptions = self.lockDownPresentationOptions, where lockDownPresentationOptions is:
var lockDownPresentationOptions: NSApplication.PresentationOptions = [
.hideMenuBar, ... and a bunch others]
I thought it was related to the Full Screen attribute in the window inspector, I tried all of them with .hideDock and was always able to display the dock.
Can someone point me to a URL that will show men how to fix this error, so that the dock will not show up on a Mac with any number of monitors?
Thanks in advance for your time
Hello all:
I can't seem to find any documentation on how to package up and distribute a custom control. I would like the control to be available in the "Control Selector" - that little panel that pops up when you click the "+" sign when in Interface builder and shows available controls.
The control will only be used in our applications, but it would be great to have something another developer can use rather than distributing source.
Can some one point me to a URL that explains how?
Thanks in advance for your time.
We need to globally disable the menu bar. The reason that we need to globally disable the menu bar is that we're security software and when our software is running the user is limited to where they can go. We also launch another piece of software that the user uses, so the presentation options have no effect - or I don't know how to make them take effect. I know about _HIHideMenuBar, but that effects auto hiding of the menu bar - not quite there.
I was thinking of setting the autohide property, and making a masking window over the menu bar, but when the mouse goes into the magic region at the top of the screen the menubar shows and UX isn't quite happy with that (nor the security dudes).
Another thought was to launch the user software via Process() rather than a command like: do shell script "open -Fnb special.me.com..." but I wasn't having much luck with that. The special software is just a normal MacOS app.
Is there a way to globally hide the menu bar and restore it back to normal? Or is this a case of one of my managers talking to an Apple Manager to explain the use case just in case there's some functionality that might not be available to a mere mortal like me?
Best Regards
I am getting a frame of video data that is from a third party SDK. The object contains the data buffer, data length, y buffer, u buffer, v buffer and a few more bits that are related to the SDK. The data is I420 (from the name of the object). I am using the following code to try and make an NSImage from the data.
var pseudoVideoData = Data.init(bytes: buffer!,
count: Int(bufSize))
let cgImg = pseudoVideoData.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (ptr) -> CGImage in
let ctx = CGContext(
data: ptr.baseAddress,
width: Int(Double(windowWidth) * 0.562), // Why?
height: Int(Double(windowHeight) * 0.519), // Why? again???
bitsPerComponent: 8,
bytesPerRow: Int(4 * streamWidth),
space: CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.sRGB)!,
bitmapInfo: bmInfo
return ctx.makeImage()!
let imgSize = NSSize(width: CGFloat(windowWidth), height: CGFloat(windowHeight))
let img = NSImage.init(cgImage: cgImg, size: imgSize)
self.pseudoVideoView.image = img
I can blast the image into an NSImageView.image but the image is missing colour. I can get the y buffer, u buffer and v buffer, but I don't know how to mash all the data into a nice coloured image.
Can someone point me to a URL or some sample code that I can look at to get over this problem?
Thanks and Best Regards
I'm linking my Swift app against an Objective-c framework. I can call all the methods within the class in the framework, except for one.
When I try and call it, I get an exception:
#0 0x00007fff2037b829 in objc_msgSend () #1 0x000000010f856df4 in ___lldb_unnamed_symbol147$$MyFramework ()
I don't think it's the signature of the method, I can jump to the definition in the header file and the definition of the parameters the method needs. And even if it was a signature mismatch, that's a compile error.
So what would cause an error like this.
Thanks in advance for your time
In my app (which is a security app), the requirement is to launch a helper app and then go fullscreen, disabling the menu bar and the dock. I can enable and disable fullscreen using the enterFullScreenMode(screen,withOptions:) and friends method on NSView. My problem is that if I launch the helper app before or after going fullscreen, the helper app is hidden. I do call activate(options:), however none of the option provided to activate seem to get the desired result.
I was thinking of a blanking window on each screen but at least with my initial testing, controlling the z-order of the apps looked a little daunting!
Is there a way to force an app that you know the bundle id of to the 'absolute' front or for the parent app to move behind the helper in fullscreen, or if using blanking windows to turn on and off the options provided by NSApplication.PresentationOptions without having to use enterFullScreenMode.
Is there a URL that might explain how to achieve the requirement? Any constructive hints would be appreciated.
Hello All:
I am having an issue of drawing some text at an angle where the text is on a surface where the surface is angled to the back. (Here comes some waving hands - I can't find a way to attach an image). So if the object is a simple cube, the side that is facing you is not straight (at 90°), it's at 120° - leaning to the back. I can draw text using core text at any sort of rotation about a single point, but I can't figure out if it's the transform or the rotation I have to 'fiddle with' to draw the text like I want it.
So, is CoreText the correct library to use? If not is there an appropriate system library to use. If CoreText is the correct system library, a hint on how to setup CoreText for this would be appreciated.
Stay Safe
Hello All:When unlocking an Apple Watch with the passcode, taps on a button emphasises the touch with a bit of zoom animation. A similar effect can be seen when using the Watch Calculator app. Is this effect public? In my app, I too need a numeric keyboard, and this effect would really help.Is there some flag in Interface builder that I've missed? Is there some sample code that I've missed?Any information would be appreciated.Thanks very much for your timeStay SafeJohn