Built App location

Hi All:

I've got a bash script to notarize and build my Developer ID based application.

My 'build' command is:

`xcodebuild -workspace "${WORKSPACE_DIR}MyGreatApp.xcworkspace" 	\
 		   archive 							   								   		\
 		   -scheme "MyGreatApp" 							   	\
		   -archivePath "${ARCHIVE_PATH}/MyGreatApp.xcarchive"

This produces the required .xcarchive package. It goes to the notification server with:

xcodebuild -exportArchive													   \
		   -archivePath "${ARCHIVE_PATH}/MyGreatApp.xcarchive"		   \
		   -exportOptionsPlist "${EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH}"				   \
		   -exportPath "${EXPORT_PATH_TO_APP}"

Where export options are:


Now I need the app to use for our installer. Do I go into the .xcarchive to use that app? Do I re-export the archive with a different exportOptions so I get a 'new' app that I can package up? Or is there another step I that I am missing?

Thanks in advance for your time

Best Regards



Hey @IntelJohnny,

Is it possible that the answer is as simple as changing the "destination" in your Export Options from "upload" to "export".

It sounds like by "package up", that is where you are looking to take the application file, put it into an installer and then use the notarization service, but if you can share more information on what the goal is we will do what we can to help!

Hopefully this helps!

  • Hey ChuckNM:

    Thanks for the reply. If I use export as an option, then when I notarize the installer, the notification server responds with: "The signature of the binary is invalid.". If I go hunting into the xcarchive and package that up, everything is great. Or is it my notarizing of the installer which is:

    xcrun altool --notarize-app \ --primary-bundle-id "com.xyz.abc213456" \ --username "yoda@mac.com" \ --password "somepassword" \ -f MyGreatApp_v${VERSION}.pkg

    I thought the --notarize-app flag was for packages.

    That's the reader's digest version. I'd be happy to provide any additional info. I think this is one of those "Is it this bit or that bit" sort of problems.


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