




Reply to Why XCode 12.1 download takes so long?
It took a week to convince Apple Developer Support to add the missing Xcode 12.1 item to the 'More' downloads page. Very frustrating. They kept saying to get it from the Mac App Store. I don't do that myself since, as Claude31 noted above, it's generally faster. Also, I like to have the .xip files around just in case I need to easily go back to a prior version. For example, I think it was an early 11.x (11.2?) version that caused havoc if your storyboards contained UITextView. So at that time, it was very easy for me to just unzip the old version and copy over. All throughout the 11.x releases, the download was available in the 'More' section within 24 hours. But with 12.x, I've had to complain twice now. I suggested that they write a unit test that would fail if an Xcode release doesn't show up there.
Oct ’20
Reply to Possible to re-use an app name?
I spoke directly with someone at Apple developer support and it is documented that if a developer account deletes an app from their account (it has to first of course meet all the requirements for deletion), that the app is then available for _any_ developer account. Thus, we're good-to-go on that front.However (and this may be how itunesconnect originally worked), I do remember that developers typically had a short period of time after creating a new app entry to then actually put the app into the store. 90 days seems to ring a bell. Though again, I think this was the old system and it no longer applies.
May ’20
Reply to Xcode 11.4: Invalid debug info found, debug info will be stripped
I've seen this as well in many of my projects. My projects use zero third-party anything (code is directly over the iOS SDK).I see the warnings though only if there are any build errors. Once the build errors are fixed, the warnings also go away.For example, in one such project, I mangled the name of an enum case. That enum type lives in IIMainTabBarController.swit. Compiling the project gives a single error in IIMainTabController.swift (only file that makes use of that enum). But it also generates a warning for my IIHint.swift file:Could not read ... diagnostics signatureIIHint.dlaPerfoming a clean build, then building again produces the same exact error and warning.Here's where it now gets "fun". I corrected the enum case, but mangled the name of a different case. Similar error of course in IIMainTabBarController, but now it warns me about IIStateRestorationManager.dla.But... a clean build now, followed by a build, "moves" the single warning back to IIHint.dla.Finally, renaming the case back to fix the error, also removes the warning.
Apr ’20
Reply to Custom control in iOS 13 modal screens cancels touch
Got lucky and found a solution. One can add this to their custom control implementation: override func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool { false }This prevents the modal gesture from canceling the tracking on the control. The modal gesture can still be used in areas outside the control to dimiss the modal.
Feb ’20
Reply to Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app
I can also verify that the workaround in including the 'App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption' (ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption) key works. In our case, we set its value to 'NO'.I will follow up with Apple and point this out. Sadly, in yet-another response from them late last night, they asked to double-check any spam folders for the invites and re-asked some of the questions on the questionaire I already sent them. Sigh. I have a feeling they completely ignored the first sentence in my reply which pointed them to this very thread.
Feb ’20
Reply to Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app
All I got was a canned email response stating that I'll be hearing from support within 1 to 2 business days. Here's how things transpired:* Called Apple developer support.* Specialist needed to escalate it to a senior advisor and told me I'd be receiving an email questionaire.* Filled out the questionaire (which was basically asking versions of TestFlight, iOS, macOS, Xcode etc.)* Received the canned response in regard to filling the questionaire.
Feb ’20