When I created the first scheme on CK, there was no problem, but once I try to modify the scheme, adding more tables and adding more columns to existing tables, I got the same error.
In my case there were some tables created automatically, like Users and CDMR. I just had to add SORTABLE and QUERYABLE to CDMR And it solved the problem. I ended up adding to every single table just in case π
createdTimestamp: QUERYABLE and SORTABLE
2.modifiedTimestamp: QUERYABLE and SORTABLE
I have added the above to all tables
I was following: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72634317/fatal-error-unsaferawbufferpointer-with-negative-count-on-deleting-objects-fr
And for me I had:
var container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "Model")
And I had a file called:
I need it to make both names the same. So or change the file name to Model.xcdatamodeld or the name: "Model" to name: "MyModels"
Of course it is possible. Just open another application.
I am not sure if you are working about the control center, or where are the apps. But if you are looking for the control center, just look up and click on the green dot that will show up. If you want all the apps to show up, you can find there also the options for the apps. And if you want to recenter all the open apps based on the position of your room, just press the Digital Crown and it will recenter the apps based on your position.
I figure it out how.
Basically there are no changes in the Item. The point is the way we open it.
func usdzToData(named: String) -> Data? {
do {
guard let usdzURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: named, withExtension: "usdz") else {
fatalError("Unable to find USDZ file in the bundle.")
/// according to https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/FileSystemOverview/FileSystemOverview.html
let fileName = UUID().uuidString
guard let path = getPath()?.appendingPathComponent("\(fileName).usdz") else {
print("An unexpected error occurred")
return nil
print("usdzURL: \(usdzURL)")
print("path: \(path)")
let usdzData = try Data(contentsOf: usdzURL)
try usdzData.write(to: path)
return usdzData
} catch {
print("Error loading USDZ file: \(error)")
return nil
func urlFromData(_ data: Data, withExtension fileExtension: String = "usdz") -> URL? {
do {
let tempDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
let fileName = UUID().uuidString
let tempFileURL = tempDirectory!.appendingPathComponent(folderName).appendingPathComponent(fileName).appendingPathExtension(fileExtension)
try data.write(to: tempFileURL)
print(String(describing: tempFileURL))
return tempFileURL
} catch {
return nil
Even though this is working. I would like to know if there is a better way. because it seems overkill. Since it says everywhere that SwiftData magically manage your files and so on. It would be cool If I can just do like:
Model3D(from: item.usdz)
Instead of
Model3D(url: urlFromData(item.usdz!)!)
I am notice something on the file that is being saved. When I try saving an usdz file like that, a file is created in some tmp foldertmp/351CD7C7-9AAD-43DE-B3C6-7E5C8A1CA70A.tmp
The file has tmp at the end. If I change to .usdz I can load the file manually. But I believe we should not be doing that right?
I am using visionOS.
To your model, I am adding default as nil
class User {
var name: String
@Attribute(.externalStorage) var image: Data?
var createdAt: Date
init(name: String, image: Data? = nil, createdAt: Date = .now) {
self.name = name
self.image = image
self.createdAt = createdAt
The following code is working for me:
enum ImageConversionError: Error {
case imageNotFound
case pngConversionFailed
func convertImageToPNG(uiImage: UIImage?) throws -> Data {
guard let image = uiImage else {
throw ImageConversionError.imageNotFound
guard let pngData = image.pngData() else {
throw ImageConversionError.pngConversionFailed
return pngData
func createUser(name: String, uiImage: UIImage?) -> User {
do {
let pngData = try convertImageToPNG(uiImage: uiImage)
print("Image converted to PNG data successfully.")
return User(name: name, image: pngData)
} catch ImageConversionError.imageNotFound {
print("Error: Image not found.")
} catch ImageConversionError.pngConversionFailed {
print("Error: PNG conversion failed.")
} catch {
print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error).")
return User(name: name)
I restart both devices. MacBook and the Vision Pro
I was having the same problem:
Try pushing the code to the device
Clicking on the General > VPN & Device Management
No matter how many times I clicked to TRUST it did not work