i have the same problem.
i can update and end the LiveActivity with remote notification.
but start a LiveActivity is not work.i do not know how should i can do.
if you handle it ,hope you can share with me.
thanks in advance!
`{"aps":{"timestamp":1737362214,"event":"start","content-state":{"amount":77},"attributes-type":"CallWatchLiveActivityAttributes","attributes":{"amount":77},"alert":{"title":{"loc-key":"%@ is on an adventure!","loc-args":["Power Panda"]},"body":{"loc-key":"%@ found a sword!","loc-args":["Power Panda"]},"sound":"chime.aiff"}}}
@staniferdev hello,bro,i have the same question and i don't know how to do.
did you figure out this question.
Thanks you ,i really need you help.
hello,i have the same question and hope you help me. very very thank you.
when i use the push-notifications-console web to debug push Liveactivity,it show some error like this:
"reason": "The device token doesn't match the specified topic.",
but when i choose the apns-push-type with alert ,it can work.so ,it makes me confuse and i don't know what i should do.
when i choose the apns-push-type with liveactivity,the placeholder show "Use the liveactivity push type to send a remote push notification that updates or ends an ongoing Live Activity."
So,it means the tool can not start the liveactivity with the tool? if like that,how should i debug to start liveactivity with a remote push.
Thanks again.