Live Activity not showing when started via push notification,but update and end can work

i got some problem for the LiveAcitvity when i start it with notification. The LiveActivity can not show,but it can work when i update or end a LiveActitvity; And so,i think my configeration is right like the code;

thanks in advance

`{"aps":{"timestamp":1737362214,"event":"start","content-state":{"amount":77},"attributes-type":"CallWatchLiveActivityAttributes","attributes":{"amount":77},"alert":{"title":{"loc-key":"%@ is on an adventure!","loc-args":["Power Panda"]},"body":{"loc-key":"%@ found a sword!","loc-args":["Power Panda"]},"sound":"chime.aiff"}}}

Live Activity not showing when started via push notification,but update and end can work