




Reply to Customer toolbar item and auto-layout
Hi,no, I am refering to this link: issue is that on an iPhone the height of the toolbar changes depending on the orientation. I would like to add a custom toolbar item [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:myView] whose height is automatically adjusted when the toolbar's height changes. And I prefer to used auto-layout.Currently, I assign a modify the view's constraint whenever the device is rotated (something like [[[myView heightAnchor] constraintEqualToConstant:xx]] setActive:YES]; xx depends on the orientation of the device). But this is everything but nice. I prefer a constraint relation with the height of the toolbar.PS: The spell checker seems to have messed up the title of this topic :-(
Feb ’20
Reply to C++ include path completion for header using .hpp as a suffix
Unfortunately, each version of Xcode introduces a new bug into autocompletion of headers. So, this keeps you busy filing a new bug report whenever a new version is released. Xcode 14 solved an autocompletion bug of the previous version (additional " or > characters were added to the include path), now, autocompletion does not work at all anymore for user defined include paths. For system include paths it works in the sense that the closing > character is not added anymore.
Sep ’22