Unfortunately, each version of Xcode introduces a new bug into autocompletion of headers. So, this keeps you busy filing a new bug report whenever a new version is released.
Xcode 14 solved an autocompletion bug of the previous version (additional " or > characters were added to the include path), now, autocompletion does not work at all anymore for user defined include paths. For system include paths it works in the sense that the closing > character is not added anymore.
I use nowadays a data asset. To create a data asset add a "New data set" to (one of) your xcassets files, give it a name and add the data. In your app you can access the data by using the NSDataAsset class.
PS: This may not be a good solution for large data sets.
But this does not fix the issue that headers having a .hpp suffix are still not found.
Is there also anywhere a documentation? What is initForOpeningContentTypes: doing, copying or moving?
Did you find a solution? I am experiencing the same issue.
I would choose YOLO (search the internet for YOLO and image detection) to find out positions of all pieces relative to the board. MPS supports YOLO, I believe, though I have not used it by myself.
Depending on the type of game you are targeting you may also set up a pattern recognition graph for all possible games states. But in this case the number of states should be limited.
No, could not solve it. I gave up; waiting on an update that might solve it.
The information that 2MB is an issue is wrong. But I am still interested if there is a kind of limit.
I am going to answer my own question: when using graphs (of MPSNNGraph type), setting the graph's format to MPSImageFeatureChannelFormatFloat32 or to any other suitable type does the job.
I recommend not to use Swift if you intend to use C or C++. It is just troublesome, use Objective-C or Objective-C++ instead and you do not have to write (a lot of) wrappers. Just under very special circumstances you may need a wrapper.
Simple plain text document (UTIs "public.text" and "public.text-plain").PS: Sorry, with "open" I meant import. I cannot import a text file.