




App Store Rejection Due To Being Unable To Get Data From Firebase
Hello! Please could we get some guidance on how to handle this situation. We have developed an app which uses Firebase as its backend. This is only Firebase Remote Config for some basic text and feature roll outs, and Firebase Storage for the content of the app. Both sets of data are incredibly small. When the app is in the App Store Review process, the data is not being delivered to the app for the reviewer, and the app states the user needs to retry their network request after a 10 second time out. However, we are completely unable to recreate this issue. We've used real devices, simulators, different iOS versions, and a range of networking speeds and this proves to be completely fine for all users. However, it happens for the reviewers. We have tested the app fully on the exact same device and iOS as the reviewers. This has lead to the app being rejected due to: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness** We discovered one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, we were still unable to access the app. Please review the details below and complete the next steps. We have read on a few other forums that people have seen similar issues where Apple cannot download data in the app, with people suggesting it is caused by an Apple Firewall. We are confident the app is in a stable position. We are starting to get increasing pressure on getting this version released, and as a very small studio, this has the potential to ruin partnerships which will have a major knock on impact. We're unsure what else to do. Any advice would be great! Thanks you!
Feb ’23