




Bitbucket Cloud is Breaking Swift Package Manager
Today when I went to add a package via SPM in Xcode 16.0, the "Recently Used Loading..." spinner ran and never stopped. I could not add any packages. The packages I am loading are remote and not from my own repo. I did a "Refresh Account" via the right-click which then shows items in my own hosted repo (for both Bitbucket Cloud and Github), but "Recently Used" just loads forever and there is no way to add a package. I tried all of the usual cache deleting to no positive outcome. I saw that others had to reinstall Xcode which I am loath to do. I wound up executing defaults delete which of course made me lose all of my settings, but that did correct the problem. At least I thought it did. However, after getting everything reset, it stopped working again with the above issue. In short, I found the issue is with Bitbucket Cloud. If I remove this account from Xcode, SPM works as normal. Add it back (all credentials are 100% fine) and I can no longer use SPM. Does anyone know why Bitbucket Cloud is now breaking SPM and more importantly what can be done to have this account but also have a functioning SPM?
Oct ’24
Access iOS Directory from Javascript
I have an application that has a local Javascript file as a resource. I am also running a node.js server on the device. I need the Javascript to be able to read a file that is in the Documents directory of the app. I know that the file url is dynamic and I can provide that to JS at runtime. My question is whether it's possible for JS to read a file directly from the iOS directory or is this walled off for security reasons? When trying I have gotten errors such as [connection] nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C2.1:2] Socket SO_ERROR [61: Connection refused] I know libraries like Cordova can access files but I wonder if that is through native libraries that provide the file to JS in other ways. The short of it is to understand if providing a local url to Javascript will allow it to access the file system or again if this is forbidden?
Mar ’21
Cannot scroll number selection in TVDigitEntryViewController
I am having an issue that appears to be SwiftUI only as the code works when not using SwiftUI. The issue is the TVDigitEntryViewController is presented but the focus stays on the number 1 and I cannot swipe to any other number. Here is a sample project that will demonstrate the issue:import SwiftUI import TVUIKit struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Spacer() NavigationView { List { NavigationLink(destination: LinkAccountView()) { HStack { Image(systemName: "link") .font(.headline) Text("Link Account") .font(.headline) } } } .padding() .navigationBarTitle("Settings") } } } } struct LinkAccountView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> TVDigitEntryViewController { return LinkAccountVC() } func updateUIViewController(_ viewController: TVDigitEntryViewController, context: Context) { } } class LinkAccountVC: TVDigitEntryViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.numberOfDigits = 4 self.titleText = "Link Code" entryCompletionHandler = { (enteredCode) in print("Code:\(enteredCode)") } } }
Apr ’20