




Slow incremental build times with xcodebuild command
When I compile my Xcode project using the xcodebuild command, I observe long incremental build durations. For example, compiling a new, empty project in Xcode only takes around one second. The same project takes 7 seconds to compile using the xcodebuild command. I've noticed that xcodebuild hangs at the "GatherProvisioningInputs" phase. Steps to Reproduce: Create a new Xcode project (iOS app template) Build the project in Xcode with timing summary enabled Build the same project from the command line with the following command: time xcodebuild -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Pro,OS=latest' I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to improve the build times when using the xcodebuild command. Thank you in advance for your help!
May ’24
Unable to schedule a price change for an in-app purchase
Hi, I'm trying to schedule a price change for an in-app purchase using the new ASC 2.3 API. Here is my request payload for the inAppPurchasePriceSchedules endpoint: { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchasePriceSchedules", "relationships": { "manualPrices": { "data": [ { "type": "inAppPurchasePrices", "id": "eyJzIjoiMTQzMTk5MjE5MiIsInQiOiJBRkciLCJwIjoiMTAxMjcifQ" } ] }, "inAppPurchase": { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchases", "id": "1431992192" } }, "baseTerritory": { "data": { "type": "territories", "id": "USA" } } } }, "included": [ { "id": "eyJzIjoiMTQzMTk5MjE5MiIsInQiOiJBRkciLCJwIjoiMTAxMjcifQ", "relationships": { "inAppPurchaseV2": { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchases", "id": "1431992192" } }, "inAppPurchasePricePoint": { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchasePricePoints", "id": "eyJzIjoiMTQzMTk5MjE5MiIsInQiOiJBRkciLCJwIjoiMTAxMjcifQ" } } }, "type": "inAppPurchasePrices", "attributes": {} }, { "type": "territories", "id": "USA" } ] } The API returns the following error response: { "errors": [ { "id": "e467f4e4-eb82-42b9-9a32-28d38b47881f", "status": "409", "code": "ENTITY_ERROR.BASE_TERRITORY_INTERVAL_REQUIRED", "title": "There is a problem with the request entity", "detail": "There must be at least one manual price for the base territory.", "source": { "pointer": "/data/relationships/manualPrices" } } ] } I probably need to create another relation between manualPrices and territory. But I have not found anything in the documentation in this regard. It would be great if the documentation could be improved with some sample requests and parameter descriptions. For example, there are a lot of "id" properties without any explanation what the identifier means and how to retrieve it. Thank you for your help!
Mar ’23
Original Application Version is missing in App Store receipt
Hello,my iOS app grandfathers users, who purchased the app before September 2018, by checking the App Store receipt's "original_application_version" field. For around the last two weeks, this value is no longer present for some of my App Store users. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on my own devices yet, but have collected the following observations based on numerous email conversations:The receipt itself is present. Otherwise, my app would show a dialog box, which none of my users have seen so far.I know that the "original_application_version" is missing because my app reads and attaches this value to generated support emails.Users have tried to restore their purchases without any effect. The value is still missing.Other fields of the receipt seem to be unaffected. For example, my app can read and restore in-app purchases without any problems.This issue affects users on iOS 12 and iOS 13. My app requires iOS 11.4 or later.Does anyone know what could cause this issue or how to debug it? The receipt parsing worked fine until about two weeks ago and I haven't made any changes to this part of my codebase in months.Thank you!
Mar ’20