




Reply to XCode15 debugger is working really slow with iOS 17.0.2
Hello! We are currently working on a large project consisting of 3.97 million lines of code, with 1.3 million lines in Swift, 1.5 million lines in Objective-C, and several files in other languages. Our app's debug build size is over 700MB, while the main binary is 350MB. However, after updating to Xcode 15 (15.0.1, 15.1b1, 15.1b2), we have noticed a significant increase in build time, launch time, and debugger attaching time. It now takes approximately 1 minute from the installation completion to the app's start launching. Furthermore, the initial retrieval of variables on the first breakpoint also takes 1 minute or even longer. Could you please advise us on how to resolve this problem? Thank you
Nov ’23