Solution is mentioned here
"Should we move to the nearby libraries?" → "Should we move to the mergeable libraries?"
Nice hack! It works. Thank you for that! We have more than 470 modules, so we need to set this option multiple times to have a working po in runtime, if we encounter a bug that "jumps" from one module to another.
So, in order to fix the duration of the first breakpoint, I must set the DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT to dwarf-with-dsym. However, this option makes the build time longer. A lose-win situation. Not ideal.
Cleaning DD does not help.
Also I tried to build the old version (6 months ago) of our Project - same errors and problems.
@asmustofa sorry, I tested solution with device only.
But with dSYM time of build is long as long resolving symbols without dSYM!
I attempted to examine the log of lldb by including the following command.
log enable -f /tmp/lldb.log lldb all
As a result, it generates over 800MB of logs consisting of 4.5 million lines. During the launch of the app, the log gets filled with approximately 3 million lines similar to the ones mentioned above, as well as numerous others.
demangle swift: $s10PostingKit29Component5TableViewCo... -> "partial apply forwarder for implicit closure #1 () -> ..." (not cached)
I tried yesterday turn off all network on my device and turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on the MacBook but it did not help to speedup debugger.