




Networking to/from application locked to
It will only use no matter which technique is used to executed it - even in the IDE debugger. And it changes the listener port. This is not related to the trust execution system, so I recommend that you start a new thread for it. Tag it with Network so that I see it. This is a local or optionally a client/server application that uses multiple TCP/IP protocols. If it's not the "trust" system what is altering the IP addresses and ports and why? What is the procedure to get the application to operate as designed? Is this related to not having a Developer ID and certificate (yet)?? Still evaluating whether the application can be made to work well on macOS and whether the complications involved are worth the time, money and effort for an Open Source project. Further, am concerned that Apple may decide they don't like this application and not allow it to be validated, or whatever, to install and run. Am completely unfamiliar with Apple's policies and procedures when making those decisions. But, from what I've read recently, that has been an issue for some developers. Would you have any guidance regarding that? Again, thank you very much for your time.
Dec ’23
macOS newbie building internal updater
Have been using a Mac for about a month, but am a 48-year engineer. Too many operating systems to list. Have my cross-platform self-contained Java application looking great on macOS with all the cool Mac conventions and a DMG "installer". Am attempting to get the existing self-updater working for macOS. It has conditional logic based on the operating system. But I'm stuck ... this is on a Macbook Pro 13" Retina Late 2013 2.8Ghz running macOS Big Sur 11.7.10 (fully updated). Deliberately supporting older hardware due to the nature of the application. The Process in Short Main program downloads updater program into a system temp directory Mounts updater DMG image with -mountroot in that directory Executes updater .app Exits Updater program downloads new Main program Mounts new program DMG image in the system temp directory The DMG image is the same one used for initial installations Makes back-ups of the Java and Plugins directories of existing program Copies the new Java and Plugins directories to existing Main program locations Umounts new program DMG image Either deletes back-up directories or restores them based on success or failure Restarts Main program .app Exits Main program receives special argument indicating success or failure of update Unmounts updater DMG image Displays appropriate dialog Issues The problems encountered are the mounting and unmounting of the DMG images executing hdiutil with Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec(). All mounts and unmounts have 1.5 sec. time-delayed retries for 3 attempts The initial download, mount, and execution of the updater works The mounting of the downloaded update DMG fails Running the command by hand works When the Main program is restarted the unmount of the updater DMG fails Running the command by hand works Also - these are unsigned images at this point. Have been unsure whether I would support macOS. But this is the last stumbling block. Questions Odd point - the initial download, mount and execution of the updater works Is this all because the DMG images are not signed (yet), so hdiutil is failing? Or is there something basic that I'm missing? Thank You For taking your time to read this. Any pointers would be appreciated. The Project (not released) Component projects:
Dec ’23
Code signing, OS versions, and an older Macbook Pro
Have been working on a Java Open Source project for 8 years with the last 2+ years on a cross-platform desktop GUI for it with a separate updater. The self-contained application runs on Linux and Windows - now I'm trying to figure-out Mac. Have had a Macbook Pro 13" Late 2013 Retina running Big Sur 11.7.10 for 3 weeks. Very new to Apple, but a retired 48-year engineer trying to support MacOS for the first time. Building with Ant and appbundler task,, then creating a DMG with DMG Canvas, Deliberately supporting older systems due to the nature of this data management and back-up application. It's been adapted to the MacOS look 'n feel. Questions: If I sign-up as an Apple Developer and pay the fee will this 2013 Macbook Pro still be able to sign DMG files - that will work on the latest MacOS - after the end-of-support in December 2023? For a updater: Should both the main application and separate updater both be signed? The basic process is: Download updater into system temp folder, prepare and execute updater, stop desktop application, updater downloads new version, prepares and copies update to installed location, then restarts desktop application and ends the updater. I'm old and have setup this Open Source project and web site so that it can be passed-off to others when I stop, one way or another. Can the developer account or certificate credentials be transferred to someone else at that time? Guidance for a noob would be appreciated. Thank you for your time. The project, not released yet:
Nov ’23