I have been trying to do a post request on this appstore api endpoint to be able to set availability on USA territory. However even after following the payload body I still get the error of no matching resource was included.
Here is my payload:
payload = {
data: {
attributes: {
availableInNewTerritories: true
data: { type: "apps", id: app_id }
territoryAvailabilities: {
data: [{
id: "#{territory_id}",
type: "territoryAvailabilities"
type: "appAvailabilities"
included: [{
id: "#{territory_id}",
type: "territoryAvailabilities"
and this is the api error response I get:
"errors" : [ {
"id" : "2c42b5cc-4.....",
"status" : "409",
"title" : "The provided entity includes a relationship with an invalid value",
"detail" : "The relationship 'territoryAvailabilities' expects an included resource with type 'territoryAvailabilities' and id 'USA' but no matching resource was included.",
"source" : {
"pointer" : "/included"
} ]
I am confused as to what the error was referring to as I added the included payload as array and the ids and type match with the territoryAvailabilities relationships as well.