I'm following WWDC for interactive 3D content in reality composer pro and apple's document
However, this simple code to declare a dummy Component and System has compile error
/Users/Workspaces/repository/Packages/RealityKitContent/Sources/RealityKitContent/RobotComponent.swift:18:24 Static property 'query' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'EntityQuery' may have shared mutable state
// Define a query to return all entities with a MyComponent.
private static let query = EntityQuery(where: .has(MyComponent.self))
// Initializer is required. Use an empty implementation if there's no setup needed.
required init(scene: Scene) { }
// Iterate through all entities containing a MyComponent.
func update(context: SceneUpdateContext) {
for entity in context.entities(
matching: Self.query,
updatingSystemWhen: .rendering
) {
// Make per-update changes to each entity here.
I'm using XCode beta3 and project target visionos 2
I'm having issue with loading 1.2GB USDZ file with visionOS
Here's the details
the file is download via backend api
file is download to document directory
FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
when loading the asset, it took almost 30s to load the asset
Loaded usd((extension in RealityFoundation):RealityKit.Entity.LoadStatistics.USDLoader.rio) in 29.24642503261566 seconds
loading asset code
let model = try await Entity(contentsOf: assetUrl)
USDZ file is exported from RealityComposerPro
Did I make any mistake on the flow or is there any other approach to decrease the loading time?