Hi, thank you for the suggestion.
This was the first thing I've found when looking this topic up, however my project is native Mac, so when I try to use this object, I get "NEHotspotConfiguration' is unavailable: not available on macOS" error.
I'll look into it, but I'm not sure if changing my project to "Mac Catalyst" is an option though. Would still prefer to find a native MacOS solution.
Hello eskimo, thank you for your answer! Yes indeed, your code in swift works like a charm!
However, I didn't mention before, but my project is in objective-c. I've tried to replicate the same thing in objective-c code, but without any success. The closest analog to swifts ".write()" method that I've found is NSString writeToUrl method, however it returns "Operation not permitted" error.
If I select a specific file (using "public.data" document type), I can access and edit the already existing file without any issues, so I'm kinda lost on the permission error.
I'll post my code in a different comment, so it'd be easyer to read.