




Comment on iOS Creating a file in a public folder
Hello eskimo, thank you for your answer! Yes indeed, your code in swift works like a charm! However, I didn't mention before, but my project is in objective-c. I've tried to replicate the same thing in objective-c code, but without any success. The closest analog to swifts ".write()" method that I've found is NSString writeToUrl method, however it returns "Operation not permitted" error. If I select a specific file (using "" document type), I can access and edit the already existing file without any issues, so I'm kinda lost on the permission error. I'll post my code in a different comment, so it'd be easyer to read.
Jul ’21
Comment on MacOS Add new WiFi profile programmatically
Hi, thank you for the suggestion. This was the first thing I've found when looking this topic up, however my project is native Mac, so when I try to use this object, I get "NEHotspotConfiguration' is unavailable: not available on macOS" error. I'll look into it, but I'm not sure if changing my project to "Mac Catalyst" is an option though. Would still prefer to find a native MacOS solution.
Oct ’21