I'm using a UICollectionView in a catalyst app to select photos. If I'm running it on an iPad I'm able to select multiple cells however the exact same code when running on macOS results in collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didDeselectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) being called. Note that shouldDeselectItemAt is not called. On the collection view allowsMultipleSelection is set to true.Has anyone else come across this or have any ideas of where to look?
I'm trying to use a UIBarButtonItem with a customView in catalyst. I'd like a UIMenu to show on a single left click. This works without a customView, but with a customView the menu no longer displays. If I use a UIButton as the customView and attach a menu to it then it only displays on right click.
Any idea how to have a customView and a UIMenu showing on a single left click?
When presenting the UIColorPickerViewController directly in a Catalyst app selecting a color will invoke
colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController)
However if you click the "Show Colors" button to see the expanded color selection pop over then the change or selection of colours in this window won't invoke
colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController)
and there doesn't seem to be a way to capture the color.