An app idea I have may benefit from offering potetial customers point of sale (POS) systems with the services my app offers.After some investigations I discovered that Apple sell a Square Stand for iPad which consist of a Square reader, Apple pay, chip cards and a holder to add a seperately purchased iPad to use as a screen to aid the visual benefits of processing transactions.The apple product I made reference to is in the link that follows: company Square sells a simular system: Square system offers the same service i.e. screen, reader, contactless payments, chip cards etc.The above being said my Question isCan I make my app compatible with the Square system seeing as the Square system is an app available in the apple app store also there ia a version that is compatible with iPads?The reason I ask is because the Square hardware is quite sharp, elegant and cutting edge looking as oppossed to the iPad version which also looks nice but a different look compared to the Square design.If there's any information anyone can share that may be useful I would be extremely grateful.
macOS Version 10.15.3 Beta (19D49f)Xcode Version 11.3When the iOS simulator is activated all that appears is a blank screen with "Hello, World!" in the center.The time, location services icon, celular, wifi signal and battery level icons are visibly as well as the bar at the bottom edge and "Hello, World!" in the center of the screen.The simulator is responsive, in the sense that I can swipe up from the the bottom edge to minimize or close the app environment, however, they are the only controls that are functional.When you minimize or close the app, the simulator environment seems to be functioning correctly i.e. you can swipe through to the home screen and see/manipulate the other apps in the environment.I have attempted to run the simulator separately on both my MacBook and on my iPhone 11 Pro Max Version 13.3.1 however, the only difference is, when I attemt the simulator on my iPhone I can see the screen I am attempting to test briefly for a split second just before the app morphs opened from the apps icon to then cover the entire screen and displays the information I described earlier.Can anybody possibly assist in solving this matter?