Square Point of Sale (POS) / iOS Compatibility

An app idea I have may benefit from offering potetial customers point of sale (POS) systems with the services my app offers.

After some investigations I discovered that Apple sell a Square Stand for iPad which consist of a Square reader, Apple pay, chip cards and a holder to add a seperately purchased iPad to use as a screen to aid the visual benefits of processing transactions.

The apple product I made reference to is in the link that follows:


The company Square sells a simular system:


The Square system offers the same service i.e. screen, reader, contactless payments, chip cards etc.

The above being said my Question is

Can I make my app compatible with the Square system seeing as the Square system is an app available in the apple app store also there ia a version that is compatible with iPads?

The reason I ask is because the Square hardware is quite sharp, elegant and cutting edge looking as oppossed to the iPad version which also looks nice but a different look compared to the Square design.

If there's any information anyone can share that may be useful I would be extremely grateful.

I would imagine that you should contact Square to see what is involved and if they support third party software using their hardware.

Square Point of Sale (POS) / iOS Compatibility