Looks awesome! But is it for swift or c++? This here seems like scenekit or spritekit
So in other words, glTF is supported by the metal api regardless?
OK cool so I use this shown here and the virtual joystick will pop-up on the screen without me having to add any more code?
Is this objective-c? That's my target language for the virtual joystick
I care deeply about portability. I haven't started my engine yet because I'm too much of a beginner to figure out the rendering api, and since I never started, I figured opengl will be first
What modern gpu do you suggest for first time graphic programmers?
The reason I(might)consider opengl is because I'm new to graphics programming. And as for portability, I care deeply because it's what I want.
So, metal is what you had in mind? I'm using C++ to do graphic programming