Same here, I got a 403 even though my app had WeatherKit enabled under both App Id -> Capabilities as well as App id -> App Services.
The solution was adding a missing dot in the full id sent in the request
$fullId = $teamId . "." . $appId; $payload = [ 'iss' => $teamId, 'iat' => $now, 'exp' => $now + 3600, 'sub' => $appId, 'jti' => $fullId ]; $header = [ 'id' => $fullId ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, $alg, $keyId, $header);
Not sure why this is happening - anyone with ideas?
Same problem here with the REST API since a couple of weeks. We got errors on approx 50% of all WeatherKit calls too.
Need to start looking for an alternative APIs soon, this API does not seem fit for production use. Any recommendations?
Had the same problem with adding new versions of an app. Just turned out that i was logged in with a user account used for testing, without rights to add a new version. Logout and login again with the right user fixed the problem for me.
PS I could also navigate to the test flight screen but then when adding a newer build, it just failed. Again, if i logged out and in it fixed it.