Suffering this as well.every. single. day.
In addition to the forced Network debugging (via Wifi, not private interface nonsense) which isn't working
as explained here
My time is being thrown down the drain by XCode like never before.
Yes, I'm seeing the same behaviour.
Yes. I'm seeing the same behaviour.
It must be a very localized issue since not many developers seem to experience anything like this.
I'm seeing the same behaviour on my M1 Ultra w/ 128GB.
It has been 'Time Machined' from an iMac 2019 3.8GHz- 8 w/ 128GB
My project is 95% Objective C, about 450k lines of code (6k files) with additional 50k lines from Pods.
Both machines were running on macOS Monterey Beta 12.4 ( I know, a Beta).
I tried the RAM Disk route as well.
On the old iMac, a clean iOS build takes 400s. On the M1 Ultra, 500s.
I'm planning on returning it right away so any suggestions would be great!
My experience with Apple's support has been abysmal every single time, for the past years, frustrating to say the least so I'm really in no mood to repeat the process.
I tried the XCode benchmark here, with a not so distant result of 75s. The 'official' stat for M1 Ultra, is 67s
I tried to set
PBXNumberOfParallelBuildSubtasks and IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks to 20, 8, or 6 with no significant improvements.
Nothing has changed in this regard.
Sadly, MFMailComposeViewController still depends on the Mail app as it has since 2009 and iOS3
MFMailComposeViewController's reference and Overview explicitly mentions this behaviour.
Tested on xCode 12.0 GM, iOS14 SDK on iPadOS 14.0