




Reading from CloudKit fails under Catalyst
Hi, I tried to bring an app to macOS using Catalyst, but have troubles with CloudKit. Basically what the app does is, it writes records to the public database and allows to retrieve that data via the recordID. Simple and straight forward and of course the code has been working for iOS for years now. On macOS I can upload data, but when I try to receive data I get nothing, as if the request was never started. I do not get gate back, nor any error, not even a time out. Could anybody give me a hint where to look for a solution? All the best Christoph
Jul ’20
How to get application:openURLs: called in document based application
Hi,I want to allow the user to choose wether a document is opened or auto processed when opened from the outside.When currently a document is opened with the app it always opens a document window, not calling the AppDelegate's application:openURLs:So the question is:How do I detect when a file is opened• via Finder "Open With" or• dragged onto the Dock iconwhile bypass when• Recent files is used or• File -> Open / The Open Panel• a document is reopeend• a document is duplicated etc.or any way that is clearly meant to open a doucment window.I have tried overwriting the NSDocumentController, but the open method here does not allow me to distinguish why the file is opened. In NSApplication all document related tasks are in the NSApplication(NSEventHandling) extension and cannot be overwriten, and the actual open event is triggerd by nextEventWithMask:… and intercepting that seemes kind of hackish and cannot be the approach Apple designated for this situation. (especially since the Events are not even well documented :-(Any tips?All the best Christoph
Jul ’19
SCNView shows pale textures
Hi guys,I am creating MTL Textures from CIImages. Everything is sRGB, but when it shows up in Scene Kit it looks white too pale, like the data is used as RGB.I am using no lights nothing in the scene, it's purely a scene with SCNPlanes having the textures as diffuse material and a camera that is it. No lights nothing.Any Ideas what I can do to get a normal representation?(Below a picture of the CIImage in the small window and in SCNViewAll the bestChristoph
Jun ’17
iMessage App Icon not showing on iPad
Hi,I have a very weird situation. My iMessage App icon is showing well on all iPhones, but not iPad. All icons are generated automatically by sketch in different sizes.I even replaced all icons with version I created using photoshop.I verified all sizes.The icon is in the final binary but is not showing in the list of iMessage apps, instead I see the generic icon with our app name. idea where this could be comming from? Any resources I could check?All the best Christoph
Sep ’16