




Developer Program Enrollment issues
I have been building an app and am ready to pay & enroll so i can use TestFlight and get ready to release. I went through the enrollment in the Developer App and got an error after submitting my ID, so I submitted an email in a form as requested. A few days later, I got an email message saying I've already verified my identity in the Developer app using another Apple ID. I replied asking if I can get any more information - what is the other apple ID, and is it possible to de-register. I got a response stating "For one or more reasons, your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed. We are unable to continue with your enrollment at this time." And that I "can still take advantage of great content using your Apple ID in Xcode to develop and test apps on your own device" But, I'm at the point where I have a working app. I only have one identity I can't go out and get a new one. I'd just like it verified on my Apple ID. Hoping I can get faster resolution or more information with a forum post. My case # is. 102087575042. Thanks, Chris
Sep ’23