if I set UIApplicationPreferredDefaultSceneSessionRole to UISceneSessionRoleImmersiveSpaceApplication then my Immersive Space for image is working fine but when I try with UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication this option and try to open Immersive space on particular sub screen then its not showing image in immersive space(Immersive space not open).
Any one have idea what the issue.
My info.plist value as above
When I try to open Immersive space I got error like below:-
HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop: skipping cycle due to overload
How to solve it any idea?
i have normal application flow and at one place i have to open immesive space for image seen 360 view but currently when ever i run application it start with immersive space my app normal flow is not start.What the isssue here?
Is there possible to record audio during application in kill/terminate state?
I am working with application where I have to record microphone voice for some process so I can it during application in foreground and background state, I have no idea about application kill state.