Immersive Space not working

if I set UIApplicationPreferredDefaultSceneSessionRole to UISceneSessionRoleImmersiveSpaceApplication then my Immersive Space for image is working fine but when I try with UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication this option and try to open Immersive space on particular sub screen then its not showing image in immersive space(Immersive space not open).

Any one have idea what the issue.


My info.plist value as above

Hey @Chirag_kody5020,

I'm having trouble understanding the issue with the information provided. From what it sounds like, your application has an immersive space and it opens correctly when the default scene is the immersive space, but when the default scene is a window and you open the immersive space from the window it fails to open. Am I understanding that correctly?

Can you include a snippet of your button that you use to open the immersive space and how you are defining your immersive space in the scene structure? Are there any errors in the Xcode console when the immersive space fails to load?


Immersive Space not working