




CKShare Invitation URL sharing
CKShare provides a url that allows others to be invited. It is necessary for a potential participant to have access to this url (otherwise there is no way for them to accept the invitation). An easy solution is to send this url via the Messages application, but this is an extra step for the share owner. I have noticed that Apple's Passwords app somehow sends this url to the invited user within the Passwords app - and I wonder if this is possible with just public Apple apis, or if Apple uses some private api to achieve this.
Oct ’24
CKSyncEngine with dependent CKRecords
Hi, when using CKSynEgine it is the responsibility of the app to implement CKSyncEngineDelegate. One of the methods of CKSyncEngineDelegate is nextFetchChangesOptions. The implementation of this method should return a batch of CKRecords so that CKSyncEngine can do the syncing whenever it thinks it should sync. A simple implementation might look like this: func nextRecordZoneChangeBatch( _ context: CKSyncEngine.SendChangesContext, syncEngine: CKSyncEngine) async -> CKSyncEngine.RecordZoneChangeBatch?{ await CKSyncEngine.RecordZoneChangeBatch(pendingChanges: syncEngine.state.pendingRecordZoneChanges) { recordID in // here we should fetch to local representation of the value and map it to a CKRecord } } The problem I am having is as follows: If the CKRecords I am returning in a batch have dependencies between each other (using CKRecord.Reference or the parent property) but are not part of the same batch, the operation could fail. And as far as I understand, there is no way to prevent this situation because: A: The batch I can return is limited in size. If the number of CKRecords is too large, I have to split them into multiple batches. B: Splitting them is arbitrary, since I only have the recordID at this point, and there is no way to know about the dependencies between them just by looking at the recordID. So basically my question is: how should the implementation of nextRecordZoneChangeBatch look like to handle dependencies between CKRecords?
Aug ’24
Xcode Cloud fails to build macOS tests
When executing the test target of my Multiplatform App, Xcode Cloud fails with the following error: Assertions: System: Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted. (Underlying Error: Test crashed with signal abrt before starting test execution. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Volumes/workspace/resultbundle.xcresult) This only happens for macOS, iOS runs fine. Also locally everything runs as expected.
Jul ’22
didSet not called
Hi, when using the new Combine api public func assign(to published: Published<Self.Output>.Publisher) where Self.Failure == Never on a @Published property, didSet is not called when the value changes. Is that expected behavior or a bug? Greetings, Johannes
Jul ’20