How can I create a HomeKit action set owned by a trigger, so that it does not appear in the "favorites" section in the Home app?
The action set type HMActionSetTypeTriggerOwned - is the one that is needed for that, but there seems to be no API to create an action set with the type HMActionSetTypeTriggerOwned.
The Home app by Apple is clearly able to create those trigger owned action sets. How can a I do the same?
Do App Clips have access to the Keychain? My clip would need to create and use cryptographic keys I would like to store in the Keychain for proper security.
According to the session, alls frameworks can be used in a Clip. However, if the App Clip is able to write its data to the Keychain, can the full app later on read that data (like from any other extension)? What happens to the data written when an App Clip is deleted?
From my iOS app intents extension I'm trying to use HomeKit to alter scenes which were already created through my app. When I call e.g. HMTrigger.enable (documentation - from my Intents extension executed by using a shortcut, I get the following error:
Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=52 "Unbekannter Fehlercode: HMFErrorDomain : 2." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unbekannter Fehlercode: HMFErrorDomain : 2., NSUnderlyingError=0x103c07c60 {Error Domain=HMFErrorDomain Code=2 "Handler does not satisfy filter policy" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Handler does not satisfy filter policy, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Handler is missing required policy 'HMDXPCBackgroundMessagePolicy'}}}
What is this HMDXPCBackgroundMessagePolicy? And how do I obtain it? What am I doing wrong?
I enabled HomeKit entitlement in my Intents and in my App target. I also tried enabling all background modes for my app, as I thought that could help but with no success. I guess this error pops up regardless of the specific HomeKit API I use, HMTrigger.enable just happens to one occasion. I get the same behavior under 13.6.1 and 14b5.