Correct item file code.
self.baseboard_column = baseboard_column
self.baseboard_row = baseboard_row
Incorrect item file code.
self.baseboard_column = baseboard_column
self.baseboard_row = baseboard_column
The error turned out to be in the item file. I didn’t create the variable correctly in the initialization. I referenced the other variable, instead of the same variable.
I found the easiest way to find the SwiftData Database is to search for I then found the right directory among the results. Did info on the fil, pulled the path as path. Then started terminal, then SQLite3, and opened the path and file name.
Basically, I'm creating a map, with each grid of the map a separate class and x and y variables within each class set to a unique combination. I want to be able to run each grid as a separate task, to run concurrently later. It should end up like [0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1] for x and y. x and y do seem to update as showing in the print function, but when displayed, I get like [0,0],[1,1],[1,1],[0,0]. I cannot tell if it is being put in to storage, displayed, or both are the problem with duplicate grids being displayed. I wish I could go in and view the database directly, IE not using my code.
I've tried creating a new project and c&p my code in to the same project, figuring maybe the database of the project is corrupt. Still the same problem.
One though I have is to create a query to only display grids with x && y == 0. If it is stored wrong, then several grids should be displayed. If it is displayed wrong, then there should be only one grid displayed with this new query.
Does anybody have further ideas of what can be the problem, troubleshoot it, and fix it? I have many more problems to create and fix to get my overall goal done.
It means you are not initializing all your variables in your class. Your Todolist has two variables and you only initialized one. Your Todoitem class has three variables and you initialized one variable. Change your init statements for each class to include the other variables.
I'm getting the same error. I am trying to do like a map thing, where a map, has many grid squares, which has many elevation points. If I delete a map, the map, all the grid squares and elevation points are deleted. If I delete a grid square, the grid square and all the elevation points are deleted. oddly it seems to be only the relationship between the last two classes that is the problem. hp_baseboard to be precise. I generally stick to microcontrollers for programming, so this is new.
final class Route {
//var timestamp: Date
@Attribute(.unique) var route_name: String
var route_season: String
var route_processed: Bool
var route_coordinates: String
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \Baseboard.baseboard_route) var route_baseboards: [Baseboard] = [] //[UUID]
init(route_name: String, route_season: String, route_processed: Bool, route_coordinates: String, route_baseboards: [Baseboard]) {
//self.timestamp = timestamp
self.route_name = route_name
self.route_season = route_season
self.route_processed = route_processed
self.route_coordinates = route_coordinates
self.route_baseboards = route_baseboards
final class Baseboard {
//var baseboard_location: (Int, Int) //will have to decide which is which row/col
var baseboard_column: Int
var baseboard_row: Int
var texture: [String]
var baseboard_processed: Bool
var baseboard_grid_size: Int
var baseboard_route: Route?
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \Height_Point.hp_baseboard) var baseboard_heightPoints: [Height_Point] = []
init(/*baseboard_location: (Int, Int)*/baseboard_column: Int, baseboard_row: Int, texture: [String], baseboard_processed: Bool, baseboard_grid_size: Int, baseboard_route: Route, baseboard_heightPoints: [Height_Point]) {
//self.baseboard_location = baseboard_location
self.baseboard_column = baseboard_column
self.baseboard_row = baseboard_column
self.texture = texture
self.baseboard_processed = baseboard_processed
self.baseboard_grid_size = baseboard_grid_size
self.baseboard_route = baseboard_route
self.baseboard_heightPoints = baseboard_heightPoints
final class Height_Point {
var hp_baseboard: Baseboard?
//var hp_location: (Int, Int)
var hp_column: Int
var hp_row: Int
var hp_processed: Bool
var hp_elevation: Float
var hp_texture: String
init(hp_baseboard: Baseboard, /*hp_location: (Int, Int),*/ hp_column: Int, hp_row: Int, hp_processed: Bool, hp_elevation: Float, hp_texture: String) {
self.hp_baseboard = hp_baseboard
//self.hp_location = hp_location
self.hp_column = hp_column
self.hp_row = hp_row
self.hp_processed = hp_processed
self.hp_elevation = hp_elevation
self.hp_texture = hp_texture
The problem is inserting the newItem3
withAnimation {
let newItem = Route(route_name: "test route " + UUID().uuidString, route_season: "summer", route_processed: false, route_coordinates: "Somewhere", route_baseboards: []
let newItem2 = Baseboard(baseboard_column: 0, baseboard_row: 0, texture: ["Grid"], baseboard_processed: false, baseboard_grid_size: 10, baseboard_route: newItem, baseboard_heightPoints: []
let newItem3 = Height_Point(
hp_baseboard: newItem2,
hp_column: 0,
hp_row: 0,
hp_processed: false,
hp_elevation: 0,
hp_texture: "Grid"
/*newItem3.hp_baseboard? .baseboard_heightPoints.append(newItem3)*/
if I don't put something in for baseboard_Route or hp_Baseboard, then it throws up another problem. Yet I'm not sure this is correct either.
now you need to add "deleteRule:" before the .cascade.