




Swift Data value is duplicated between two variables in a class
I'm using two loops, one nested in another to create and assign a subclass to the parent class. I'm using x for one loop and y for the other loop. Print statement shows the loop variables being updated correctly, however the subclass has both variables as the same value. I'm not sure if the value is being stored as the same value or being displayed as the same value. I've checked both creation and display code. I can't find the error. var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List { ForEach(routes) { item in NavigationLink { Text("Route: \(item.route_name) \nSeason: \(item.route_season)\nCoordinates: \(item.route_coordinates)\nProcessed: \(String(item.route_processed))\nNumber of baseboards: \(item.route_baseboards.count)") } label: { Text(item.route_name) } //end route nav link } //end route for each .onDelete(perform: deleteItems) //end route nav ForEach(baseboards) { item in NavigationLink { //if let test = item.baseboard_heightPoints.count { Text("Grid Size: \(String(item.baseboard_grid_size))\nRow:\(String(item.baseboard_row))\nColumn:\(String(item.baseboard_column))\nHeight Point Count:")//\(String(item.baseboard_heightPoints.flatMap { $0 } .count))") //fix count later //Text("Test") // Text("test2") // } else { // Text("Grid Size: \(String(item.baseboard_grid_size))\nRow:\(String(item.baseboard_row))\nColumn:\(String(item.baseboard_column))\nHeight Point Count: 0") // } } label: { Text(String(item.baseboard_grid_size)) }} .onDelete(perform: deleteItemsBaseboards) //end baseboard route nav // ForEach(heightPoints) { item in NavigationLink { // Text("Row:\(String(item.hp_row))\nColumn:\(String(item.hp_column))\nElevation:\(String(item.hp_elevation))") // } label: { // Text("Row:\(String(item.hp_row))\nColumn:\(String(item.hp_column))") // }} //.onDelete(perform: deleteItemsBaseboards) } .toolbar { ToolbarItem { Button(action: addItem) { Label("Add Route", systemImage: "plus") } //Button(action: addItem) { //not showing up // Label("Add Baseboard", systemImage: "arrow.up") //} } } //end toolbar } detail: { Text("Select a route") } //end NavigationSplitView } //end view body private func addItem() { /*withAnimation { */ let newItem = Route( route_name: "test route " + UUID().uuidString, route_season: "summer", route_processed: false, route_coordinates: "Somewhere", route_region: "US", route_baseboards: []) modelContext.insert(newItem) //end add route //add baseboards to each route let bb_StartCol = 0 let bb_EndCol = 3 let bb_StartRow = 0 let bb_EndRow = 3 //let grid5m = 148 //let grid10m = 76 //let gridHD = 5760 var bb_grid_size = 5760 let bb_sectionsVerticle = 180 let bb_sectionsHorizonal = 360 var sectionData: Data var dataInputArray: [UInt8] = [0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0xF8, 0xFF] sectionData = Data(withUnsafeBytes(of: dataInputArray, Array.init)) for x in bb_StartCol...bb_EndCol { //columns for y in bb_StartRow...bb_EndRow { //rows print(x,y) if bb_grid_size < 1000 { let newItem2 = Baseboard( baseboard_column: Int16(x), baseboard_row: Int16(y), texture: "Grid", baseboard_processed: false, baseboard_grid_size: Int16(bb_grid_size),//(x+2)+(y+2), baseboard_heightPoints: Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: bb_grid_size), count: bb_grid_size), baseboard_HPSection: [], baseboard_route: newItem //baseboard_hps: [] ) modelContext.insert(newItem2) //insert baseboard for each run } else { let newItem2 = Baseboard( baseboard_column: Int16(x), baseboard_row: Int16(y), texture: "Grid", baseboard_processed: false, baseboard_grid_size: Int16(bb_grid_size),//(x+2)+(y+2), baseboard_heightPoints: [], baseboard_HPSection: Array(repeating: Array(repeating: sectionData, count: bb_sectionsVerticle), count: bb_sectionsHorizonal), baseboard_route: newItem //baseboard_hps: [] ) modelContext.insert(newItem2) //insert baseboard for each run } //print(x,y) } //end y for loop - baseboards } //end x for loop - baseboards // } // end animation of adding new items } // end function add items private func deleteItems(offsets: IndexSet) { withAnimation { for index in offsets { modelContext.delete(routes[index]) } } } private func deleteItemsBaseboards(offsets: IndexSet) { withAnimation { for index in offsets { modelContext.delete(baseboards[index]) } } } //private func deleteItemsHeightPoints(offsets: IndexSet) { // withAnimation { // for index in offsets { // modelContext.delete(heightPoints[index]) // } // } // } } #Preview { ContentView() .modelContainer(for: Route.self, inMemory: false) }
Oct ’23