Have you successfully applied now?
I should be able to help you, what is your contact information?
I should be able to help you, what is your contact information?
I should be able to help you, what is your contact information?
I should be able to help you, what is your contact information?
I should be able to help you, what is your contact information?
I think this should be possible. You can use a private API to make calls. Can you provide your email? I can send you the API code.
I think what you need is a p12 certificate.
I don't think he will, and I'd like to work with you on a project if you're interested in it.
I tried to contact you, but you didn't reply to me via email. my email = "yangscalvn" + "@" + "gmail.com"
How long does it take for it to expire? Have you considered using AD-HOC to distribute it?
We can have an in-depth communication.
my email = "yangscalvn" + "@" + "gmail.com"
I think this is achievable because you don’t need to list it on the AppStore and can use some private APIs.
We can have an in-depth communication.
my email = "yangscalvn" + "@" + "gmail.com"
Do you need a seamless transition to certificate replacement? If so you can contact me and I can help you.
my email = "yangscalvn" + "@" + "gmail.com"
I don't think you imported a p12 file, so this error is prompted.
let myEmail = "yangscalvin" + "@" + "gmail.com"
I think this problem is caused by your incomplete signature.
I'm happy to help you. If you are in a hurry, you can communicate with me by email.
myEmail = "yangscalvin" + "@" + "gmail.com"