




Sandbox Testers page is stuck with the error message
Hi, My App Store Connect's Sandbox Testers' page gave me the error message "Something went wrong. Try again later" yesterday. It hasn't been resolved yet. I got the same error when adding a new sandbox tester. This issue came suddenly, and I know the other person who has experienced the same issue. I need help or suggestion on what action I can take to get past this issue. Thank you!
May ’23
allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs configuration for WKWebView
Hello, I need a little help on clearing the message in the review guideline. The part in "4.7 HTML5 Games, Bots, etc.", it states only use capabilities available in a standard WebKit view (e.g. it must open and run natively in Safari without modifications or additional software); In the iOS app I'm developing now, I need to add this to WKWebViewConfiguration to make something work. setValue(true, forKey: "allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs") Is it ok or a bad idea as the "without modifications" indicates. I'm not sure I read it right. The WebView is showing the first HTML page in a folder in the app's documents folder, with loadFileURL, like this, webView.loadFileURL(url, allowingReadAccessTo: url.deletingLastPathComponent()) Every file WebView needs is embed first in app bundle and moved to app's documents folder later, nothing is from remote server. However, one of the javascript library included in that HTML page has a method which uses ajax to load XML data(URL of XML file), and since I have the xml data embedded in the app in the first place, so I use the file URL instead. It won't work without setting allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs to true. I've never submitted an app to AppStore before, and I just want to make sure to not to develope something that is obvious not allowed. Anyone has experience on this can shed light on me, very appreciate your help!
Jun ’22