That's great, thanks!
Pretty late to the party, but you can also open the swiftpm in Finder, then control-click > Show Package Contents. Then, you can manually edit the Package.swift file included in your swiftpm.
I meant College Board, not Common App, sorry.
Makes sense, thanks!
@NilsR maybe it would be useful to post the crash report here. Also I think you could file a bug.
Thanks, please do share your solution. Good luck!
All right, good luck with your app!
I just realized that this might be a reason why certain apps stop working when transferring your data to a new device - even though these apps are copied, keys stored in the secure enclave aren't transferred
I guess we'll find out when the beta comes out, as there aren't any public resources on this API yet.
Either way, if using the model isn't possible, I guess apps could make use of Apple's CoreML Stable Diffusion implementation.
I didn't notice the mutating func value<T>(execute task: (inout Value) throws -> T) rethrows -> T function, please read my other reply below.
I meant "to prevent these kind of messages appearing again after restart" :)
I saw this in the documentation, but I forgot that you need a macOS 15 host for that. Makes sense :)
Oh, right! That makes sense.
I was installing Xcode at the same time but tried to run the VM first 😅
Alright, but what I wanted to highlight is that the value of myVar in the sheet’s View closure does not match the actual value in the outer ContentView, and it is never updated to reflect it’s new value (unless it is changed again). Is this expected as well?
The .onAppear was just a way for me to check what value myVar actually had.