




Notification panel iCloud Account device permission request
I'm running beta 4 (20A5343i) on a 2018 15" MacBook Pro. I clean installed onto a 2nd partition. I updated partition 1 with the Catalina 10.15.6 suppl. today. Since doing this my beta partition has been super slow, threw a panic, and is now showing me a notification that I have never seen before. Any idea what this notification could be for? Approve "S*****'s MacBook Pro"? This device wants to use your iCloud account. Approve Decline Nothing was plugged in except the power cord. I'm used to receiving the codes on a trusted device, but I have no clue what this notice/request is for. Any thoughts?
Aug ’20
Touch ID Issue NOT resolved
I'm brand new to running a beta version and the main reason why I decided to run it was because of a warning I kept receiving. Back story: I have reformatted my ssd several times, tried using Time Machine back-ups, created different admin users, cleared NVRAM and SMC, called support prior to beta install (no one knew what I was talking about), and now I'm running Big Sur beta 11.0 (20A5323l) on my late 2018 15" MacBook Pro with T2 Chip (purchased January 2019). My AppleID is the only user account on it. I just did a fresh install of the beta and hoped that would resolve this issue. Once I've created the admin user I skip over adding my Apple ID at set-up. I then go directly to the Touch ID preference page and attempt to add my fingerprint. Upon hitting the little + sign I get the same dreaded result each time: "Fingerprint Limit Reached. To add a new fingerprint, remove a fingerprint from any account on this Mac." WHAT?! I then did some further reading on the release info for beta 3 and it says that the Touch ID issue has been resolved with this version, BUT it hasn't been (at least not for me). General support hasn't been able to help me prior to the beta and now support seams limited with running beta. I'm begging for some insight, direction, fixes that have worked, or someone I can contact for further assistance. I am ready to send this BrickBook back to High Sierra factory land and trade it in for a new model. Genius bars are closed again here in So Cal and I'm starting to worry my computer isn't as safe as I believe; especially since a main component of the Secure Enclave has failed. Thank you for any help!
Jul ’20