I would just save the value and update the achievement. When the new value is added update with Int(savedUnits/total * 100.0).
savedUnit += 1
let valtest = ( saveUnit / 1000 * 100.0)
GKAchievement(identifier: achievementID).percentComplete = Int(valtest)
Given that 'Int' truncates the remainder, it won't prematurely award it.
It's now mostly working. Still a few 500s. So either the issue wasn't me and resolved itself or the right person read the post a flipped a switch. I did make a change in getting the file size but I don't think that's it.
Thank you for the reply. I'm not too familiar with how this forum works despite how long I've been a member. I had tried to add a comment yesterday to explain what I found but I don't see it anywhere. So that doesn't work how I thought it did. But my problem was due to a simple misspelling when setting the metallic contents. I just had it in my brain as being similar to another issue related to trying to match colors and so I didn't see the simple answer first. The viewer was using the file being dropped directly into the spot. So no spelling issues there. And yet the programmatic equivalent was effectively being set to nil. It is all working now. Thanks.
Oof. All that debugging and it was a misspelling of "metallic" on the metalness contents file. Well, I got some refactoring out of it.
You could just use GameCenter to manage this. User defaults is a convenient way of saving app settings in the app's sandbox. They don't remain if the user deletes the app. But if you save scores, progress, and achievements to their GameCenter account, those things stay with the account. I think there is no reason to roll your own system for this.
Are you monitoring the cameraDidChangeTrackingState? This is needed to deal with interruptions to the session and decide how to handle them.
I can’t tell from this. For me, random crashes in ARKit seem to always trace back to improper access to the main thread. A variable getting accessed on the main that is also being changed on another thread. 99% of the time it’s fine. But occasionally it collides with itself.
It would be like any file, wouldn’t it? I’d probably setup a dedicated folder for the app’s ICloud drive and pick it up from there. Plus that interface allows the user to select it from anywhere on their drive. Look up UIDocumentPickerViewController.
I had set the preferred rendering api to openGL for compatibility with my old MacBook when in the simulation environment. Which caused the error you had in the new M1. I removed this override and the error is gone.
Solved. Turns out I'm just not very bright. Didn't set the class variable in my init. So it only had an empty array to work with.
I’m hacking away at this. I know this is months old and you’ve probably already solved it. The fastest I’ve found is mesh to voxel. I can’t top that algorithmically yet even with multithreading. But now you need meshes and the problems that can go with that. And is there an opposite to “setvoxelatindex”? I can set them but I can’t make them go away in similar fashion. I use Boolean between two voxel arrays instead. Getting them to relate to each other properly doesn't seem very intuitive for me. The things are all “get” and no “set”. But it’s a real speed advantage versus iterating over each element.
I just got this error after doing the 5.3 update today. Works on device but not on simulator.
I did find that commenting out SCNCamera's zNear and zFar prevented the app from crashing immediately. Not a practical solution as it doesn't display the scene either. I don't call "setDepthClipMode".