I've had the same problem for a while now. I am currently using Xcode version 16.2 (16C5032a). The problem is with the iOS 18.2 and iPhone 16 Pro Max simulator. Not with the iPhone 15 Pro Max Simulator and iOS 17.5. I can also zoom up to 24 meters and the colors remain the same. The problem starts at a zoom range of 1500 meters and not everywhere. Play around with the coordinates from the simulator. It works in Cupertino, San Francisco or other large cities, but not in rural areas. In Europe, the colors are red almost everywhere when zooming.
Why is it not possible to delete testing containers for development? I'm sure that I don't need in the future.
I used the same was as the Fruta app and with Xcode 13.2 and iPad Pro iOS 15.2 Simulator there is the behaviour as expected. I think Apple fixed it with Xcode 13.
In my case it works pretty fine.
After long attempts, I have the same behavior in my UIKit project and SwiftUI Views with UIHostingController as with just UIKit.
In my storyboard, the UIHostingController is embedded in the NavigationController and this in turn is connected to the UITab Bar Controller.
The first thing to do is to uncheck "Shows Navigation Bar" in the Attributes Inspector of the NavigationController.
In the SwiftUI View I have the list in the NavigationView with the modifier .navigationBarTitle ("ViewTitle", displayMode: .large) and the next SwiftUI Views without NavigationView and the list with .navigationBarTitle ("SecondViewTitle", displayMode: .inline) modifier. The best solution for me.
Did you try it with the 'presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() method? You need also the @Environment(.presentationMode) var presentationMode in your PopView.
Thank you, the problem is probably with the .sheet (). If I use the NavigationLink instead of the button, it works as intended. Now I just have to use the .sheet () to make it work that way
Yes, I did and the problem is the same. I tried it with the iOS 15 simulator and the same issue and the foreground color from the text views changed to blue.
Disable device via network was also successful for me. Thanks to lokakien.