Just for the fun of it, I removed the watch simulator from the available simulators, then I deleted the com.apple.xcodebuild.plist and the com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist, as well as the com.apple.dt.Xcode directory within my ~Libary/Caches directory.
It's still just as bad. Even opening a project it just locks right up.
OK, one more piece of information: I created a new test account on my MBA and fired up Xcode for the first time and created a new project, just a simple SwiftUI project, a Hello World that would have caused beach-balling in my main account.
It worked fine.
So there's gotta be some cruft in my setup that's causing this problem. I'll check to see if I have any other programs installed that I might have forgotten about, and I'll uninstall the Apple Arcade games, but... any other ideas?
OK, so I removed two Apple Arcade games, the older non-pro Pixelmator, Discord, and Signal.
And now Xcode isn't beach-balling anymore.
I *think* I had Signal in place already when Xcode was working before. Discord, now that I think about it, is almost certainly a more recent addition. I totally doubt that Pixelmator is an issue--and I'm almost certain it was already in place--but I did buy Pixelmator Pro, so I don't really need Pixelmator anymore. I didn't delete Pix'Pro, and everything's fine.
So I'm thinking about trying to re-add them one at a time to see if Xcode breaks again, but the good news is that after a bunch of random thrashing, something seems to have worked.
I've re-added Signal and Discord, and no problems so far...
Not sure what happened with the formatting, but clearly the Xcode logs end just before "I notice..." Sorry about that!
I hope it's clear in the question, but I've looked at a number of other similar questions in the forums, and while some respondents indicate that adding a leader board or an achievement or both fix the problem, that hasn't seemed to be the case for me. I'm happy to try anything else... Like is there a GameCenter equivalent of the old App Store sandbox that I'm supposed to test against? I thought the sandbox went away a few years ago, but I'm grasping at straws here.
Quick update for the folks following this issue:
Apple support asked me for more details yesterday, and I provided those details last night.
This morning, I got a notification that it's been escalated to a senior advisor on the developer support team.
I let them know that, based on the up-votes and comments this has gotten, a resolution would make a lot of people happy.
Of course, they can't promise an exact time frame, but I have to say, I'm impressed so far with their engagement. I'm feeling hopeful!
Finally, whatever useful information I get from my case, I'll post here ASAP so you can benefit from it, too!`
Sadly, I just heard back from my support escalation manager that this is considered a "code-level inquiry", so I have to resubmit it to a different team. I guess that's what I'll be doing tonight! More news as events warrant.
Ho-ly heck.
I can only imagine that the folks at Apple rebooted something or shook something loose, because I've been doing the add-a-leaderboard and add-an-achievement thing repeatedly for days, and this time, after they decided that my case was a "code level inquiry", it suddenly started working.
I've literally done this every day for the past week. But now it works, so I'm happy.
So the short answer to the question is:
Follow the steps they recommend.
Beyond the steps they recommend, add a leaderboard and an achievement.
If that doesn't work, open a developer support ticket.
Once they reject the ticket, try adding another leaderboard or an achievement.
Anyway, I'm happy it works. Thanks for checking in and following up on this post!
I'm having the same problem right now. Everything worked fine until last night, when the errors you're describing came up. I'd seen that there was a new version of watchOS, and a new iOS, so I updated both. Now it's failing while trying to install symbols for watchOS 8.4.2.
OK, I think I found an annoying solution. Turn off your network on your computer. I figured it might be something to do with my network security, so I checked my Eero settings and there was an available update. So I ran it, and as soon as the network connection went down, I could build and run on my phone without it complaining about the problem.
The network came back up, and I can still build.
So there you go.
I think that's what I was looking for. Will verify tonight! Muchas gracias!
Same same.
Asset validation failed
Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported SDK or version of Xcode. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the versions listed in https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/devf16aefe3b or later. (ID: f1d9fd43-99d8-4d4b-84ca-201f84e125f9)
My app in process that I'm testing through TestFlight with a bunch of folks broke with the new iOS beta. Re-building with the new Xcode fixed it on my phone, but I can't submit for my other testers to be able to get it.
Yeah, same here. I figured it's a iOS vs. Xcode beta version sync issue like everyone else... Hopefully there'll be a new Xcode beta soon, since I'm betting we're just a few weeks away from GM...
For what it's worth, I just added the code from the top of this thread into my new App in the Xcode 15 beta and it works great. I'm using the new SwiftUI hooks for subscriptions in StoreKit 2, and in a bunch of cases, it wasn't reliably finishing transactions. So I added the above code as a function invoked using the .onAppear modifier for the main view, and I literally only had to change one thing: Instead of "task = ...", I set it to "let t = ...", as it complained that "task" is a reserved word or some such.
So, thanks for the snippet! Good luck!!