




iCloud 503 error
Hi, our app is down since a few hours as we can not fetch data from iCloud CKErrorDescription = "Request failed with http status code 503"; CKHTTPStatus = 503; CKRetryAfter = 60; NSDebugDescription = "CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022"; NSLocalizedDescription = "Request failed with http status code 503"; NSUnderlyingError = "<CKError 0x2806784e0: "Service Unavailable" (2022); "Request failed with http status code 503"; uuid = UID; Retry after 60.0 seconds>"; RequestUUID = "UID"; } came out of nowhere.
Oct ’23
CloudKit Subscriptions - weird things going on
Hi all, Would not believe this if not seeing it for 2 days (and nights) now. Our game uses CloudKit subscriptions to avoid two devices entering the game with the same account. That worked perfectly well for 8 months, since 4 months we did not have any update on the game, so nothing changed. Now since Wednesday user have not been able to enter the game cause the subscription was not found. We tested on device, not working. We checked on CloudKit console, everything fine. Testing again on device, works. Great! Until 3–5 minutes later, when it stopped working again. Going back to CloudKit console, everything fine. Device, fine. Until 5 min later… So, the weird situation we got now is that everything works perfectly, as long as we query the subscriptions in CloudKit console every few seconds. If we stop, our game is down until we do that again. So we do nothing else as reload the link that does a simple query to keep it up. Sitting here and can't sleep because I'm feared my browser session expires and the game goes down... Has anybody ever experienced something like that? We have not been able to find reports of similar issues
Feb ’23