




My App Rejected 4.3 Design: Spam
hi I submitted our app 2 days ago to review, and earlier this morning I was surprised that the application was rejected, Reason 4.3 Design: Spam. And I've introduced an application programmed by myself, and a unique design. We spend over 2.5 half years on writing the code and getting this app ready to state it is now. we went through multiple ux/ui designer we have in and out of the design inside figma. This is just generic. We submitted same app 4 weeks ago at first we got same rejection reasoning, then we got a replied and apple said there is an issue, and we fixed and redesigned again. I feel like we are just getting generic answer. What should we do ?The app is a dating app, and yes I know, Another one. but I see dating apps that are exact same copy of others getting published. ours we use AI and very interesting way of matching and completely different than any other UI out there. how could they possible say we are spam ?
Dec ’23