




Can I move my testflight users to the AppStore version so that I can transfer my app to another account
I made my first App when I was 17 and because of that, I couldn't sign up for the developer program. So I signed up under my dad's account with the idea in mind that ill transfer my app to my account when I'm 18 (which will happen this month). However, I just read the requirements and it says that all testflight beta builds and testers must be removed. So is there anyway I can transfer my users onto the AppStore version. Note both the testflight and AppStore versions are on the same build right now.
Jul ’21
Using data from json.file in ContentView
I have a json file that looks like this [   {     "name": "Dune",     "author": "Frank Herbert",     "page": 77   },   {     "name": "Ready Player One",     "author": "Ernest Cline",     "page": 234   } ] I want to iterate through this in my ContentView. I have another view called BookView that is used like this: BookView(name: "Dune", author: "Bob", page: "77") that will be taking data from the json file and these views will be displayed in a Form. The UI is working but I cannot actually make it run off my data I have tried so many articles online and nothing is working. Please can someone help me.
Oct ’20
Downloading Xcode
I have 32 GB of storage left on my Mac. The App Store wouldn't let me download Xcode 12 (11 GB) so I downloaded the XIP from the developer site. Now it won't let me open the XIP (I have 21 gb left) because there isn't enough storage. How much storage do I need to open the XIP?
Oct ’20