




MacCatalyst App Sandbox Not Enabled
I can't figure out how to get past this error message when I try uploading my Mac Catalyst app using Xcode Organiser. App sandbox not enabled. The following executables must include the "" entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list I have the .entitlements file correctly configured with the boolean, I have the entitlements path correctly setup in Build Settings, when I start the upload process the boolean appears there with the correct value: Even when I try the command codesign -d --entitlements :- I get back the correct value. This started appearing when I added a Share Extension to the existing Mac Catalyst app (the app is already in the Mac App Store). I did the same steps and verifications and still got the same error, so I decided to go a step back and remove the Share Extension and try to get it working again. From here I keep getting the same error over and over. I have tried regenerating all provisioning profiles manually, using automatic code signing... Please help! Any ideas will be appreciated.
Jan ’22
Moving from different apps per platform to one Universal App
I currently have 3 different apps (one for iPhone, one for iPad and one for Mac, with different bundle ids) published in the App Store and I'm thinking of the possibility to merge them into one, and make that one Universal. At the moment I have 3 different Xcode targets with some code shared and some unique per platform. This allows me to keep iPhone-only code on the iPhone target, and iPad only code to the iPad, for example. My question is if I can keep this 3 different targets and create 3 different builds but somehow put them under the same app in AppStoreConnect (I don't know how to do that)? If the answer is no, I suppose I'd have to take the iPhone app, make it universal, and update my code to use the iPad's one instead. I currently use compiler conditionals like #if IS_IPAD_APP, I wonder if I could do a similar thing to avoid compiling iPhone code or assets into the iPad? For Mac I believe I can submit a different bundle? Thank you in advance!
May ’22