




Room not to scale
Hello, I am working on an AR application to visualize a life-size room. I am working with Unity 2023.3, Apple ARKIT XR Plugin 6.0.0-pre.8 and a 2021 5th gen iPad. First I scan a room with roomplan to get a usdz file. I open it with Blender to make sure I have the right data (I do) and I export it to fbx to use it in Unity. Then I import the fbx to Unity and I use it as a prefab to instantiate it when I click on a detected floor. I build my application in Unity, then in Xcode to use it on my iPad. But when the room is displayed, it is way too small. I tried adding a slider to scale up the room's gameobject and I added a plugin to visualize my Unity scene in my built application. The room is scalling up in the Unity scene but not in the application. Does anyone ever had this issue and if so how did you fix that? Best regards, Angel Garcia
May ’24