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I applied for a personal developer account. After registering iOS devices at, the status of each device shows Ineligible for 14 days. As a result, my project cannot be debugged with this account, and my app cannot be published in the App Store What should I do in this situation?
by Alistar.
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I have a problem like the title here, but it only occurs in some mobile phones and some networks. It seems that it has little to do with the code level. How to solve it. When it is clear, some iOS 15 will appear, and iOS 13 does not have this problem.
by Alistar.
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I use StoreKit test in Xcode to test Consumable Project. I want to test the refund of Consumable Project. When I open the Manage StoreKit Transactions of Xcode 13, when I select Non-Consumable Project, I click the Refund Purchases button to purchase There is no refund for items, but when I click on the Consumable Project, I cannot refund. I test the refund function of Consumable Project. We know that the relevant document is '', but we don’t know how to trigger a refund in a sandbox environment
by Alistar.
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hello: On iPhone x iOS 13, if I correctly request the user to use the location (CoreLocation), but the user does not click to agree or cancel, but instead use the return desktop gesture to return to the desktop, then the system's location authorization box disappears, and the program is inside What should I do without any callbacks?
by Alistar.
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hello: Our current status is that after three minutes in the background, re-opening the app is a restart. But I see a lot of other apps in the background for a long time (such as 20 minutes, 30 minutes), when I open the app, it is the page that opens into the background, I don't know how they do it, I follow Apple The rules did not do anything after entering the background. Is there anything that Apple can do?
by Alistar.
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hello:NEVPNConnection -startVPNTunnelWithOptions:andReturnError: When the app is first called when iOS13 is installed, it will jump to the Settings-General-VPN interface and let the user enter the password. However, after I updated the iOS13 beta version, if the setting APP is off, then the call will only enter the Settings-Common interface, and there is no interface for the user to enter the password. If the setup app stays in the Settings - General or Settings - General - VPN interface, the results are the same as before iOS13.
by Alistar.
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hellow:access_queue is created in the singleton A classin class Adispatch_async(access_queue, ^{ NSLog(@"A:%@", [NSThread currentThread]); });in class Bdispatch_async(access_queue, ^{//access_queue of class A NSLog(@"B:%@", [NSThread currentThread]); });Print out A and B in the console to execute in two different child question:I want to know if there is a way to make different code blocks execute in the same sub-thread.
by Alistar.
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hi, eskimo: PacketTunnelProvider's - stopTunnelWithReason: completionHandler: How long can I detect other things after the method is executed?Maybe some network requests.
by Alistar.
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AppDelegate and PackagetTunnelProvider use NSTimer in the same way:[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:10 target:self selector:@selector(expireTime) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];The -expireTime in AppDelegate runs in 10 seconds, but not in PacketTunnelProvider.What's the reason?
by Alistar.
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